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The Department of Business Administration at Hanbat National University has its vision to cultivate the highest level of convergence creative leaders in Korea, and its mission is to cultivate glocal smart leaders with convergence creative expertise that will lead the era of the 4th industrial revolution. The five educational goals for fostering Glocal Smart CEOs are as follows; It is the cultivation of Glocal leaders, smart business leaders, original leaders, convergent leaders, and expert leaders.
The Department of Business Administration at Hanbat National University has its vision to cultivate the highest level of convergence creative leaders in Korea, and its mission is to cultivate glocal smart leaders with convergence creative expertise that will lead the era of the 4th industrial revolution. The five educational goals for fostering Glocal Smart CEOs are as follows; It is the cultivation of Glocal leaders, smart business leaders, original leaders, convergent leaders, and expert leaders.