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지능형나노반도체학과(조기취업형 계약학과)

  • Sustainable innovation through industry-academia collaborations that create value for the future and establishment and operation curricula in reflection of job competencies and subjects presented by the growing glocal industry-academia-integrated companies
  • Operation of hands-on, practical coursework, R&D projects, and prototype fabrication courses
It is about early employment contract studies and establishment of leading models. Please refer to the details below
  • With the semiconductor industry expected to grow significantly, resulting in an expansion of the workforce, the semiconductor industry in the Daejeon-Chungcheong region is experiencing steady growth, contributing more to the local economy.
  • On the other hand, the absolute scale of trained professionals in the industry is insufficient compared to the rapidly increasing demand for human resources in the semiconductor market, and the education and training base for advanced-level human resources such as those with master’s and doctoral degrees is insufficient.
  • The department plans to produce intelligent nanosemiconductor talents with real-world problem-solving skills that they can directly apply as engineers in the local semiconductor industry.
Addressing the shortages of semiconductor experts
  • Foster manpower through professional and practical training provided by the contracting department and participating companies
  • Help address persistent labor shortages at semiconductor companies in the region
Enhancing the competitiveness of semiconductor companies in the region
  • Strengthen the human capital of participating companies by training people in semiconductor process, materials, components, equipment, and design
  • Conduct industry-academia projects to improve the technological capacity of participating companies
Strengthening the semiconductor human resources network
  • Strengthen the industry-university-research network with semiconductor-related companies and organizations in the Daejeon, Sejong, and Chungnam region
  • Build the foundation to supply the necessary workforce through collaborative skills development with companies
  • Attract master’s and doctoral-level talents to work for companies in the region to address the outflow of talents to the Seoul Capital Area and promote regional balance