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Smarter Together: The Power of Collective Intelligence
Smarter Together:The Power of Collective IntelligencePark Sang-hee,Assistant Professor of English Language and LiteratureImagine yourself in twenty years. What kind of person do you see? Close your eyes and visualize. Are you surrounded by people who admire your ingenuity? Or do you see yourself collaborating with others to achieve something greater than yourself? If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This proverb, of uncertain origin, encapsulates the essence of collective intelligence: we can surpass our individual capacities when we collaborate, far more effectively than when we compete against each other.Collective intelligence has become a buzzword since the advent of the digital and AI age. However, its origins are as ancient as human history itself. Throughout the centuries, every society has relied on collective efforts to share knowledge, wisdom, and tools, enabling us to better manage crops and livestock, combat diseases, and xss-create and innovate businesses and organizations, among much more. As J. Heinrich writes in The Secret of Our Success, it is not individual intelligence that has set the human brain apart, but rather the accumulation of knowledge over time. The collective resources passed down through generations have strengthened our cognitive abilities and helped us solve complex problems. Undoubtedly, these resources will continue to propel us beyond our individual limitations.As the world evolves, the problems we face become increasingly complex and ever-changing. The impacts of climate change, for instance, exceed the capabilities of any local government. No organization can thrive solely on the efforts of a handful of individuals, no matter how intelligent they may be. Did you know that Lego relies on thousands of fan designers to develop its product ideas? Even scientists at NASA encourage people to join NASA Solve to innovate computer codes and space suits. Groundbreaking technologies like Google Maps crucially relied on data from its one billion users worldwide for their development.With the recent rise of augmented intelligence, facilitated by AIs like ChatGPT, we now have more opportunities than ever in human history to participate in large-scale communication and collaboration. And you are already a part of it, even if you did not realize it. Connect yourself with the world. Become the most intelligent version of yourself.
2023-10-10 23:41:43
After the Pandemic: For the Sustainable Society
After the Pandemic: For the Sustainable SocietyBy Choi Byung-wook, the president of Hanbat National UniversityCOVID-19s first detection was in December 2019, and that has continued for two years as a pandemic disease. In Korea, there was a peak number of confirmed cases in March, and now, the sense of crisis has been lowered, so the quarantine regulations, like keeping distance, are lifted.Even though some experts think there might be a resurgence of COVID-19 this winter, I think humans have gained the wisdom to live with the disease and the ability to overcome its problems.Many universities and students say that they could develop resistance to the pandemic situation by experiencing many changes which result from it. For example, the pandemic situation suggested a new paradigm for education by adding a non-face-to-face method. The former educational methods were just constrained by physical space in a classroom. We thought the proper lecture method was limited to gathering in the classroom, listening to the professors classes, and discussing subjects with students. However, now we can meet professors and colleagues online, and we can use a xss-metaverse that uses augmented reality and virtual reality technology for our classes.Like these examples, we have found new solutions in the pandemic situation, and this was possible thanks to the advancement of IT technology; we call it The Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology. If the virus had spread 10 years ago, we would have had much worse chaos and risk than now. The speed of the Internet was much slower, and the smartphone was also at an early stage, so we could not use online delivery and online classes using smartphones and computers.Plus, the new biotechnology made vaccines and diagnostic kits for viruses only in one year from the first detection of COVID-19. If we could not develop these things, humans would have been in big trouble.All the benefits of civilization that humans can get are due to advances in science and technology. Now, we can use science and technology for a sustainable society, and a sustainable Earth. Not only viruses such as COVID-19, but also problems such as global warming, food, resource depletion, garbage, and ecosystem destruction, caused by microplastics, etc. are huge crises for a sustainable Earth. Nowadays, ESG management - Environment, Social, and Governance - is a hot issue. This is also necessary for solving these problems and for a sustainable society.All the universities and students that have tasks for society should participate in solving problems creatively and challengingly. Also, we need to connect this knowledge learned in university with solving social problems. HBNU will also clearly recognize this thing and xss-create various programs with students for solving problems. I hope our students grow up as global talented people who are trying to make a sustainable society through various experiences at HBNU.
2022-07-04 11:12:27
Into the Distant Sky
Into the Distant SkyBy Nguyen Thi Diey Linh, Sophomore of Business Administration and AccountingThat was the story before the COVID-19 pandemic when, at that time, the airport was full of people. The airport for the arrivals is a reunion, but for the departing, it is a separation. For each person far from home, such as international students and settlers etc., the airport is an extremely familiar place.On a chilly autumn day in 2019, it was also the parting place that I only had the opportunity to return to four months later. I still vividly remember the scene from 2 years ago. Back at that time, crowds lined up at the airport. Everyone was busy carrying their luggage. Perhaps they had a different purpose or different destination. In that rush of people, it was not difficult to see people my age who were standing with their families. Until now, to me, maybe the thing that I miss the most is the long line to check in for the flight, and to the exit door outside the airport. It could be seen that countless like-minded friends were exploring new lands, dreaming of a magnificent study-abroad life, just like me. At that moment, I felt even more excited. Eagerly looking forward to the future life, anxious to first set foot in another country named South Korea.As the youngest child in the family, at an early age, 18 years old, leaving my parents, carrying my 2 heavy suitcases, I was ready to challenge myself in a completely different new environment. Contrary to my excitement and expectations, there was a hint of concern on my parents faces. After about an hour of waiting, finally, under the guidance of the flight attendant, my parents and I also completed the boarding procedures. With nervousness, walking to the customs gate, I quietly watched the flow of people. When it was just over an hour before boarding time, my parents quietly asked me if I wanted to get in first. Ignoring the excitement, suddenly, hearing that question, I broke down.And so, after 18 years of living with the family, was it finally the moment of separation? Regret made it impossible for me to pass through that gate. My parents stood next to me quietly encouraging and instructing me to make me feel more secure. Its time to say goodbye to everyone, I gave each member of my family one last hug. Whatever comes, let it come. I walked through customs and followed the signs. I was standing in front of my boarding gate. At that moment, there was a feeling that was rising in me that was exceeding indescribable. My alarm said it was time to board the plane. I texted my family. To my surprise, they were still standing outside the airport and had not come home yet. Just for the purpose of wanting to see their daughter again as I flew into the distant sky. Feeling overwhelmed, I burst into tears.Dismissing those feelings of separation, I settled into my position on the plane. I took one last look at my hometown, the place where I was born and raised during the years of my life. After nearly 5 hours of flying, the plane ultimately landed. That was the way I came to South Korea. The airport can remind us of the times of separation, away from home, but perhaps, it will be a place of reunion and gathering later. And the magic thing about my hometown is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back to.
2022-01-14 13:25:28
How to Be a Good KKONDAE?
How to Be a Good KKONDAE?By Kim Eung-kyu, Supervising Director of Hanbat HeraldIt dawned on me that I might become a kkondae, (noun, a condescending person of an older generation). I searched the Internet to see if this dexss-scription matched how I was portraying myself to my students (or lack of). I was worried that, if I become a kkondae, less students would feel comfortable coming to me for advice.Kkondae as a term originated in the 1960s in Korea, but was not used as it is today. In 2019, BBC TV used Kkondae as their word of the day segment and explained it as An older person who believes they are always right and you are always wrong. This phenomenon not only happens in Korea. Since 2009, and more popularly from 2019, Western audiences from teens to late twenties would use Okay, Boomer to reply to things they felt were condescending to them, such as cringey YouTube videos and Donald Trump tweets.Conflicts between generations are inevitable. The reason is that each generation of society has experienced a different society, and has different difficulties. There is also a big difference in the values of the older generations and the new generation. For example, the old generations lived a future-oriented life that could give up the present for the future, and they are used to a collectivist culture, but the new generation emphasizes the present, and has a very strong tendency to individualism.Generational gaps like these make it easier to view me as a kkondae, as my beliefs and opinions already do not match with the younger generation, and they willingly write off my advice as condescension.It has been commonly accepted to live in harmony with the elderly when their life expectancy was not over 70 years. However, with the increased lifespan of them, coexistence of even seven generations is witnessed in Korea.Now, our best option is to live together, even though there are many virtues necessary to do so, including the most important one - an open mind that can recognize and accept new values. The digital revolution and the 4th industrial revolution, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has turned many older generations into the last remaining dinosaurs. The world has become a place where the breadth and depth of digital intelligence and knowledge of the younger generation, armed with AI and SNS, are superior to the experience-based knowledge of older people; the place where what you experienced first can hardly give you an advantage.It is time for the elderly to learn from the youth. In practice, some companies have an integrated reverse mentor system, in which new millennials are given the chance to become mentors to existing management. Therefore, a main prerequisite to become a good Kkondae is to study for the rest of your life. Surprisingly, the people around who consider themselves as a Kkondae are good ones.A famous blogger whom I respect has a blog, titled Kkondae Thoughts. He has provided sparkling, creative ideas in various fields for decades, and has become the xss-object of envy for geeks. The majority of my colleagues also possess features of good Kkondae which I envy.Although the Kkondaes are required to keep learning, students also need to follow professors affectionate advice, rather than ignoring them as OK, boomers. Due to the health risks, campuses have been left empty for over a year and a half, while distance learning in most universities was an alternative.Now, the situation is easing and traditional face-to-face classes are coming back. Our campus is warm with the colorful autumn leaves. Meanwhile, I would like to sympathize with the pain of students I havent seen for a long time, and share with them the wisdom of life that YouTubers do not. To do that, I have to study very hard.
2022-01-14 13:25:05
Farewell to the HERALD
Farewell to the HERALDBy Yoon Ji-yeon Editor-in-Chief, Junior of Electrical EngineeringAll humans are not perfect. I am human, so sometimes, the things I have done may well have hurt someone, or the things I did for everyone may not have been what others wanted. However, through our imperfect actions, we can become better and more mature. For me, the Herald was the most important challenge, and I worked with the greatest passion and dedication.It has been 3 years since I joined Herald. For the past 3 years, I have been working as a junior, and I am now going to reach the last grade. Now, in contrast to the person who filled in the application form 3 years ago, I am the chief editor. Applying for the Herald was a big challenge for me. I still remember my parents reactions when I said that I had applied for the English newspaper. They said, Why did you apply for such a thing? We did not even know you would be interested in that!In the interview for the Herald, someone asked me What kind of position do you want to have in the Herald?, and I answered with a smile, The chief editor. However, I never thought those words would come true. I thought that someone else would be much more suitable than me, and I felt that the role of leader was too difficult. Anyway, through some situations, I became the chief editor, and I have spent the year enjoying my position.Sometimes, I imagine what it would have been if I did not join the Herald. I guess, I would have few chances to meet people outside the department. Furthermore, I guess I would not have gotten close to seniors and juniors, because I do not like interacting actively with strangers. In conclusion, I think I have broadened my experience, and grown into a person who is skilled at socializing through the Herald. I was lucky to do that.There have been many moments: Some of them were happy, some of them were fun, but some of them were hard. I am walking towards the upcoming farewell, keeping all the memories of those moments.I met a total of 24 people through 3 years in Herald. Looking back, I think each one of them was a precious relationship and a good person. I feel regret that I did not do a little better and make more memories. Through this article, I want to say that it was so nice to meet you, and thank you for being a part of the memory that will last a long time.I have not yet decided whether I will stay at the Herald next year. This is just an early good-bye.I hope that the Herald will always be full of joy as it has been, and will be a meaningful place for others, as it was for me. Farewell to the Herald.
2022-01-14 13:24:28
Set the Goals Even if That Might Be the Small Things
Set the Goals Even if That Might Be the Small ThingsBy Yoon Ji-yeon Editor-in-Chief, Junior of Electrical EngineeringIn my childhood, I was a kid that managed to do what I decided to do. I memorized the cube formula staying up all night just because it looked great to solve the cube. I solved the hundreds pieces of puzzle staying up all night just because I wanted to do. However, I thought those cant be goals because the word goal meant something grandiose dreams and future to me.It has not been so long that I started thinking about importance of setting small goals. It was through the pandemic period caused by COVID-19. I had Sophomore Jinx in last year, and that made me strengthless for my future. With the major that I chose without dreams, the lessons were so difficult compared to my ability, also the online learning made me lose understanding and willingness to study. I even felt afraid of setting goals and preparing for the future. In this process, I forgot sense of purpose, and that made me feel bored of everything. As looking at me like that, my mother said, The goal doesnt mean only the grandiose future or job you want to get. The simple hopes you want also can be your goal.As a result, I began to set simple goals that I can achieve with a short time, rather than setting big goals like getting jobs, or career path. I spent a year for achieving them. My changed life vitalized me for pursuing them, and I finally felt an inexpressible achievement after achieving those goals.We always have been heard about the importance of plans and goals since we were kids. That is not the wrong word, but we sometimes felt pressured by the thought that we must set the plans and goals for dreaming of your successful lives, even we only can succeed after achieving those far-reaching goals. However, I dont think we need to only focus on long-term goals and feel helpless. It might be more important to achieve trivial goals that lie ahead. Also, the achievement and motive for other goals are the true value of the goal, and they will let us move toward bigger goals like career path or dreams.There is a famous saying, A motivated goal makes life enjoyable. Even the slight goal is fine. Even if it is a small goal that someone can hear and laugh at, if it is what you truly want and gives you power, it would be also a good goal, and it will be our motive in life.So, set the goals even if that might be the small things. They will certainly be helpful rather than powerless or unable to set goals in front of too far-reaching goals,
2021-07-29 11:43:34
When the Weather Is …
When the Weather IsBy Park Hyeon-su Editor-in-Chief, Senior of English Language and LiteratureWhile I was on SNS, I saw an art work which had a beautiful flower and contained one phrase.When the weathers good, you grow.When the weathers bad, you grow.I have complained about COVID-19 a lot because I thought it had ruined everything about my plans for after I graduate from university. I planned to go overseas and experience as much as possible. I worried that that plan had been utterly destroyed and I was a little bit annoyed that God gave me this situation. However, recently, I turned my mind and realized, after reading that quote, that it happened to make me grow.When I entered university, I thought that I might be a flight attendant and travel around the world. I strived to concentrate on my study to achieve it but I didnt stick to that dream. Finally, I became a senior and looked back at myself. I realized that I had cracked up in the face of reality. For years, I followed my friends by earning certificates unrelated to becoming a flight attendant. However, thanks to COVID-19, I made up my mind to chase my dream again and started to prepare for an interview to join a flight crew. I just wanted to do it because I didnt want to regret not having tried. I thought, if I failed, at least I would grow from the experience and I could still get other jobs based on my study. COVID-19 brought the worlds worst global pandemic, but it provided me a chance to follow my original purpose and made me dream again. Even though the weather is bad and the situation is bad, it made me grow up and think about myself again.From this experience, I got to know that I can learn from everything and it only comes from the perspective I have. If I have a positive point of view, I will see a world that is so sunny and bright and learn from every person I see. On the other hand, if I see a world which is surrounded by dark clouds and shadows, I will have a complaint for every person I face and lose my dream, too. Therefore, I noticed that if the weather is good or bad, I will keep my perspectives hopeful and positive and be aware of my pure goal until Ireach it eventually.
2021-01-16 14:51:15
Sink or Swim, Let’s Go for It
Sink or Swim, Lets Go for ItBy Park Hyeon-su Chief Editor, senior of English Language and LiteratureIn the old days, people used to sit with their family members and friends to play a game of yut. There is a saying that all or nothing comes from here. It refers to making a bold decision based on the expectation that the outcome of the choice may be very good or very bad, but it will be good. If all four of the yuts are not turned upside down, it becomes Mo. If only one yut is turned upside down, it is only a small difference. However, the effects of play are quite different. Do will only move forward one bar, but Mo will be able to throw one more yut to advance five bars. A small difference can xss-create a great advantage. There is a similar saying in the United States: Sink or swim. This refers to a situation in which one swims out on ones own and survives or is completely ruined, its life or death. It means to survive or perish without help from others, as you will die if you sink, and survive if you swim. Both seem like proverbs on black-and-white logic, but it seems that one thing is omitted from the American proverb, Lets go for it. Lets give it a try, whether we succeed or fail.Human beings are either successful or unsuccessful, if they are in a two-pronged situation. If your plan is successful, of course its good, but if your plan fails, you may suffer. But, isnt failure the mother of success? Failure makes a man big. One must have progress and failure makes one develop. So, lets not be afraid of failure. There is no success without failure.However, some keep failing while others succeed. One person may live a life of failure, while another grows step by step and finally reaches success. Whats the difference? I think the difference that xss-creates the divergent future between the two is whether hes self-reflecting or not. People live their lives in their own way, believing in what they want to believe and seeing only what they want to see. But, those who succeed are different. If your way is wrong, reflect on yourself carefully. Introspection takes lessons from failure and prevents you from making the same mistakes again. To succeed, let's not put the blame on others. Lets challenge ourselves, face failure, and reflect. This is how to become a bigger person.
2020-10-05 14:48:34
My Side Project List
남궁혜진 기자
My Side Project ListBy Namgung Hye-jin Editor-in-Chief, Junior of Electrical EngineeringWhat do you like to do? Many people hastily generalize that, What I am good at is what I like. But is that REALLY your favorite activity? If you don't truly know what you like, how can you find it?I think the answer is--you have to do it yourself.What's your favorite food? And, why do you like that food? Because it tasted good when you tried it. You tried the food yourself, and it was delicious, so you started to like it. Like this I think the process of finding the things I like is the same. You have to do it for yourself to see if you like it or not. Then, how can you find out what you like?In my case, I use the Side Project List.The Side Project List is trying something youre interested in. This is a three-step process that Ive xss-created to find and decide what I like.Step 1: Write something you like, or what you're interested in. It could be one thing or several. Just note that each thing you write must be just one word.Step 2: xss-create a simple activity that allows you to do the things you have written in Step 1. When writing an activity, be careful that the statement should be simple, it should be something that you can actually do right now, it should be specific, and can produce visible results.Step 3: Do what you wrote yourself. Then, write how you felt about it.After that, if you think you dont like that activity when you did it yourself, you can stop doing at any time. Because the goal of this is to find what you like and what you don't.To help you understand, let's take an example of what I did as a 'Side Project List'.Step 1: Piano, WritingStep 2:Piano – ‘Harry Potter Theme’ Practice for 2 months and play in front of parents without sheet music.Writing – Choose four themes and write more than three sentences each.Step 3:Piano - I like to play my favorite songs on the piano, but if I had chosen a different song, it would not have been interesting to me.Writing – Writing was a great way to organize my thoughts and feelings. It was good because writing was a way for me to be emotionally stable.Through the Side Project List I learned what I really like and realized some new things about myself. In this way, I learned more about my personality and ability.You can also apply this list to a particular job. For example, if youre interested in becoming a lawyer, you can do things like interviewing five lawyers, or attending three trials.Likewise, I want you to do a Side Project List' to get to know yourself better. I think college days are a time to get to know yourself through many experiences. Start finding yourself by looking for what you like.
2020-03-20 18:07:20