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The Policies for Youth
The Policies for YouthBy Han Ha-yeong Reporter, Junior of English Language and LiteratureDo you know there are support policies and benefits for youth who will lead the future? Recently, there have been several policies involving young people in many ways. The following includes an introduction to the different programs for young people and how they can help us.Youth Leap AccountWhat: It is a policy that offers up to 6 percent monthly government contribution and tax exemption (tax-free/non-taxable) of interest income if you pay optionally within 700,000 won monthly for a maturity of 5 years.WhoIndividual income: The people whose total salary is under 75 million won. The total income amount is set at 63 million won. However, the tax exemption without government contribution applies only if the individuals earned more than 60 million won but less than 75 million won.Household income: 180 percent or less of the median income depending on the number of household members.How: You can apply through the 12 banks’ websites for two weeks every month. The application period will be announced separately on the KINFA website. (Details may change.)Youth Housing Dream Subxss-scription AccountWhat: It is a government program to support young people who plan to buy a home. If they deposit for a certain time, the government will provide a portion of their saving, and offer them housing priority.Youth Employment Support Fund for Vacant PositionsWhat: It is a program that provides supporting funds of up to 2 million won to young people working in small companies such as manufacturing, restaurants, agriculture, shipping, and fisheries to narrow the wage gap. (You can check your qualifications by accessing ‘Work24.’)National Technical Qualification Examination FeeWhat: It is a program that the Human Resources Development Service of Korea supports 50 percent of the examination fees of national technique qualification for young people to minimize the financial burden of job-seeking and career development.How: When you accept the application, choose and pay for the supported test.Limit: 3 per person per year, until the support budget is exhausted.There are some benefits and opportunities for young people to get a better education, more job opportunities, and a better quality of life. Those who are interested in or qualified should check the policies and take full advantage of them.QualificationBENEFITS119 to 34 years old (up to 6 years, excluding military service)Government contributionTax exemptionPreferential rate219 to 39 years oldOnly people with a household income of 100 percent or lessMust not own or have owned a home in the pastSaving 6 months to 5 yearsThe government will provide 20 percent of your savings. (Up to 2.4 million won per year, for a total of 12 million won)Having the priority opportunity to be distributed to the government-designated house.3South Koreans between 15 to 34 years old who have been employed full-time for more than 3 months without any break.Apply after passing the period of continuous service (3 months/6 months) and have been employed.The work has had to be confirmed at least 30 hours per week as a full-time job.4Up to 34 years old (Born after January 2, 1989)
2024-07-03 16:51:48
Discussion of HBNU, CNU Integration
Discussion of HBNU, CNU IntegrationBy Bae So-young Editor-in-chief, Junior of English Language and LiteratureDiscussion of integration between HBNU and Chungnam National University (CNU) is a hot potato in the educational field. Students may receive the news through surfing the internet or from the campus news. The following includes information about integration and its background.What is university integration?There are three types of structural reform of national universities: University alliance, university alliance incorporation, and university integration. Specifically, HBNU and CNU are discussing university integration.As the table above states, university integration means more than two national universities transform into a single university. There are two types of university integration: One-to-one integration and absorption integration. One-to-one integration means equally integrating, and absorption integration means one university absorbed into the other. For example, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology was absorbed into Gyeongsang University and integrated as Gyeongsang National University.Background of university integration of HBNU and CNUThe background of university integration between HBNU and CNU is because of the decrease in the number of the school-age population. The birth rate became a serious problem because the more the birth rate decreases, the more the school-age population decreases. According to University Alarmy, only 39 out of 187 universities met a 100 percent recruitment rate in 2022, in South Korea.This means 20 percent of universities unfulfilled the recruitment rate. Among them, national universities were a high proportion. To overcome this situation, the scale of the university became the main key. Therefore, HBNU and CNU started discussing university unification.The positive aspect of university integrationSome assert there will be positive changes to each university and the prospect of the local national university. If integration is achieved, an integrated university will have a larger scale than before. Specifically, the number of full-time professors is estimated to be 1,194, which is the same level as Pusan National University and Kyungpook National University, and the number of students is estimated to be 26,459, which is the largest number of students in the country. As mentioned earlier, due to the rapid decrease in the school-age population, the scale of the university became a competitive factor. Moreover, the integrated university can strengthen competitiveness in the educational and research fields. Also, students can have diverse educational opportunities and a positive impact on regional development, too.Concern of integrationOn the other hand, some are concerned about the negative changes of unification. According to the survey of CNU, in which 37 percent of undergraduate students participated, in September 2022, 96.3 percent disagreed with the integration. The CNU student council conducted a campaign against integration and even made a CNU altar. Not only CNU but also HBNU have negative opinions about integration. Then why are the HBNU and CNU students disagreeing?| Concern for absorption integrationFirst, some concern about absorption integration, which can lose each universitys characteristics. As mentioned before, there are two types of university integration: One-to-one integration and absorption integration. Students are concerned about absorption integration because there are no specific countermeasures for overlapping departments and the name of the university.| Concern for university value declinesSecond, some concern about the decline of the university value. Each university has a unique identity, history, and symbol. If the two universities integrate, the integrated university can derive value declining rather than strengthening competitiveness, due to the loss of each characteristic.How to express the opinionSome are interested in this topic, but some are indifferent. Some say that they do not want to be deeply involved because the topic is too deep, or lack of information, or the lack of xss-objectivity. Then, is there any way for students to express their opinions?How to express the opinionSome are interested in this topic, but some are indifferent. Some say that they do not want to be deeply involved because the topic is too deep, or lack of information, or the lack of xss-objectivity. Then, is there any way for students to express their opinions?1)Participate in the meeting First, there is a way to participate in the meeting. You can get information about the meeting through the website of HBNU. Since the meeting is held to share opinions among students and collect opinions, it is possible to actively present opinions.Meeting held in HBNU conference hall (March 21, 2023)2) HBNU WebsiteSecond, students can use the HBNU website to express their ideas. When you enter the website of HBNU, there is a community that allows students to express their opinions and provide information about the university unification. Students who cannot participate in the meetings or students who want to use the community could access it by the below QR code.Discussion about university integration between HBNU and CNU will make a big difference and various arguments. However, it is clear that the collection of opinions from HBNU and the establishment of integrated values will have desirable consequences. Why dont you express your opinion by participating in the meetings or posting your opinions on the HBNU website?
2023-10-10 23:55:33
Come to Yesan Market!
Come to Yesan Market!By Kim Hyun-ah Reporter, Junior of Business AdministrationUntil a few months ago, the Yesan Market in Chungcheongnam-do had closed more than half of its sites due to decreased visitors. However, the Yesan Market has recently emerged as a hot place nationwide. With the influx of tourists from all over the country, the stagnant traditional market has become full of vitality. Whats going on?A hot place with retro vibes, Yesan MarketMore than 100,000 people have visited the Yesan Market in about a month. The Yesan Market has become so popular that 5,000 people visit it daily, even weekdays. The secret is to keep the past appearance of the Yesan Market as it is but to provide food and atmosphere tailored to the current trend. Open space and low prices in Yesan Market, where visitors can freely buy food from each restaurant, also contribute to the popularity.The reason why the dying Yesan had to changeYesan was the hometown of Jongwon Paik, the representative of Theborn Korea, and was one of the representative areas where the local population was gradually decreasing. CEO Paik planned the project to solve this phenomenon in which the region is underdeveloped. Yesan Market aims to revitalize the local economy of the old city centered around the Yesan Market by conducting a Yesan-type old city regional win-win project undertaken jointly by Yesan County and Theborn Korea.The beginning of traditional market change, the DSC Regional Innovation PlatformDSC Regional Innovation Platform University Education Innovation Regional Talent Education Center is promoting social values to solve regional issues for the win-win development of communities in Daejeon, Sejong, and Chungnam. DSC Regional Innovation Platform xss-created a Ye-Curation based on cooperation with Theborn Korea, a famous restaurant company, to promote the Yesan region and support the start-up activities of founders in the Yesan Market.A strong supporter of traditional market change, Ye-CurationThe DSC Regional Innovation Platform xss-created a Ye-Curation consisting of college students to support changes in the Yesan Market. Ye-Curation is a compound word that combines Yesan and Curation, and the main activities consist of two things. The first is promotional and marketing support linked to founders in the restaurant sector in the Yesan area. The second is promotional content production activities to share issues in the Yesan area.The homework that is still left, local extinctionThrough the Ye-Curation activities of Theborn Korea and DSC Regional Innovation Platforms, the Yesan Market has been famous and transformed into a local attraction. The traditional market has been revived through cooperation between local governments and companies. However, it is not known whether this popularity will continue many years later. This is because the popularity of the younger generation, which is heavily influenced by SNS and the Internet, is rapidly fading.Like Yesan Market, some traditional markets in other regions are also pursuing changes. Why dont you visit local traditional markets to pay attention to the problem of local extinction? For the conventional markets to function as a cultural factor and tourism resource, they need our attention now.Source: Theborn Korea
2023-10-10 23:53:33
28th Press School: The University Press Wants You!
28th Press School:The University Press Wants You!By Kim Hyun-ah Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Business AdministrationIn 2022, July 13 to 15, the 28th Press School was held, to help enhance the basic practical skills of university newspaper reporters, and to improve university media and culture. The 28th Press School was conducted as an online course, using ZOOM.The program consisted of planning coverage theory, press photography theory, and newspaper editing theory, which are all useful for the reporters of university media.This article introduces two of the most impressive subjects among those programs. The first is a planning and coverage subject, which tells you what to plan and how to cover a story. The second subject is an interview course that gives tips on a range of techniques, from preparing interviews to writing articles.*Planning Coverage Theory: A good way to planA good item is a good plan.The university press is a media that reports new facts, but it is not easy to find new facts in a flood of information. New culture and social phenomena are likely to have already been reported by many different established media. Therefore, the university press should combine the new facts with other things in consideration of timeliness.It is also important to always consider the main audience. Unlike established media, university media clearly has a main audience. Therefore, the university press should proceed with information while continuing to consider the main audiences interests.It is important to conduct on-field investigation.COVID-19 has had a lot of influence on face-to-face coverage activities, but it is still important to do on-field investigations. You can comfortably conduct interviews by email or phone, but it is important to vividly capture the interviewers words in the field.*Interview Course: A good way to interviewInterviews are ‘Conversations’ which give access to information.What one of the active reporters said to college reporters is as follows:Interviews are about meeting individuals or groups for a specific purpose; collecting information, and talking. Therefore, it is important to speak naturally to the people you interview. Many college student reporters have a desire to do well, but too much of that mindset can lower their achievements. If you do not understand something during the interview, you could say, I dont understand. Could you say it again?It is a good mindset not to be conscious of interviews.The mindset during the interview is as follows. Do not think that you are doing an interview as much as you can. Basically, interviews are conversations, so it is good to think that you are on date instead. If you are too conscious of the interview itself, then the conversation is often cut off and cannot be re-established.Preparation for good questions is effort.The most important thing in asking good questions is preparing in advance. Preliminary coverage is not enough to go on, over and over again. Efforts for interviews xss-create good questions, and good questions make a good interview. An active reporter explained that A sharp question is good, but the best question is to be asked naturally. If you want to ask a difficult question, then you should xss-create an atmosphere for such a conversation.Show great reactions to the conversation.It is important to react during a conversation. The key here is to express that you are listening and understanding well, rather than just simply responding to the other persons words. The active reporter who conducted the interview course recommended xss-expressions such as I think so, too, and How about thinking like this?Do not forget the basics of the interview article.College student journalists often miss the basics in interviews or interview articles. It should not be forgotten that the six basic principles are always the basis. Also, reporters should always consider the question, Why am I interviewing? Since you are a college student reporter, it is most desirable to look at it from the perspective of a college student.To write a great interview article, you must be into the field.While doing field interviews, there are many people who record. You should not forget to take down important words while recording. The reporter who conducted the interview course said, No matter how much you listen to it, you can feel the energy of the interview only in that moment. He also added that, if possible, it is better to refrain from email interviews.Those who are current reporters of the university press (university newspapers, university broadcasting stations, etc.) or students related to university public relations (promoters, supporters, reporters, etc.) and who can faithfully participate in the program, can apply to the press school hosted by the professors newspaper.Most of the students related to the university press participate in this program. In order to get an opportunity such as the press school, why not pay attention to recruiting members of HBNU press in 2023? Do not miss the opportunity to become a university journalist and contribute to the development of the university press!
2023-02-20 16:35:03
Semiconductor Industry
Semiconductor IndustryBy Lee Seo-jin Cub Reporter, Senior of Material Science and EngineeringThe semiconductor has become a very important part of our modern lives. It is not only used in small devices like smartphones, and laptops, but it is also essential in electric cars and other types of machinery. Moreover, because of the invention of autonomous driving and AI, the importance of the semiconductor is expected to grow. In particular, as Koreas semiconductor industry currently accounts for 20 percent of all exports, its importance is now being emphasized.The dictionary definition of a semiconductor is material that conducts electricity, only under certain special conditions, and it is used to control current. The electrical conductivity value of the semiconductor changes, according to the voltage, heat, and wavelength of the light that is applied to it. This value is bigger than the insulators electrical conductivity value, and smaller than the conductors. According to their uses, there are 2 types of semiconductors: Memory semiconductors and system semiconductors. Memory semiconductors store data, and system semiconductors have information processing functions, so they can perform computation and control. Memory semiconductors account for 20 percent of the total semiconductor market. Samsung and SK Hynix have a very high share in the global market. In the system semiconductor market, Intel, which makes CPU (central processing unit), has the highest share.Then how are semiconductors made? There are 8 main steps which are known as the Eight crucial steps to semiconductor manufacturing.[Creating the Wafer] The wafer works as a canvas in semiconductors. Also called a disc, it is a thin, glossy slice of a silicon rod that is cut in specific diameters.[The Oxidation process] A silicon oxide film (SiO2) is made on the surface of the wafer. This xss-layer protects the surface from chemical impurities that might permeate during the next process.[Circuit pattern] Drawing structures on the wafer, via the photolithography in nano-scale.[Etching a circuit pattern] The etching process removes any unnecessary materials so that only the desired patterns remain on the exterior. To fabricate such structures, this can be repeated a few hundred times until the xss-layers of thin film material result in a semiconductor chip.[Deposition, ion implantation] Depositing thin films, and implanting ions, to enable semiconductors to have electrical properties.[xss-metal interconnect] Connecting xss-metal wires to the semiconductor circuit to give electrical signals.[EDS (Electrical Die-Sorting)] Verifying the chips that have reached the desired quality level, using electrical characteristic testing.[Packaging and package test] Packing and testing the package to safely protect it from the external environment.As the semiconductor industry is in the spotlight all over the world, at HBNU, students from various departments can jump into the semiconductor industry. Basically, there are many categories, such as electronic engineering, computer engineering, new materials engineering, and mechanical engineering. Related to production, there is Industrial management engineering, and related to etching solutions there is chemical engineering, so you can jump into a wide variety of semiconductor industries from HBNU. Moreover, many universities have also established semiconductor departments now. In particular, contracting semiconductor departments have the advantage of guaranteeing future employment.So, how can undergraduates gain experience in the semiconductor industry? They can enter the lab studying semiconductors, or participate in special semiconductor process education. Types of semiconductor process education are operated by PTA, SEMI, LetYouin, ENGINIC, and ISRC. In addition, there are also ways to obtain various certificates, or enter graduate schools. To gain great experience, it is better to make a plan to participate in advance. If you are hoping to get a job at a large company, it is better to prepare language scores, like OPIC and TOEIC Speaking, or gain job related experience, before graduation.In July 2022, the government announced a plan to train 150,000 people in semiconductor related skills over the next 10 years, and they announced a plan to increase the number of semiconductor-related departments by about 5,700. Due to the previously mentioned reasons, the future for the semiconductor industry in Korea is looking bright. Having read this article, you now have a good understanding ofsemiconductors, so why not take the opportunity to jump into this industry?
2023-02-20 16:32:07
Counterfeit Is Illegal
Counterfeit Is IllegalBy Lee Sun-min Cub Reporter, Junior of Department of Computer EngineeringLuxury: a product where a user gains the authority to use a specific brand.Counterfeit: a product that is used or imitated without any legal authority.Lately, the consumption of luxury products has been rapidly increasing, due to the pent-up demand, caused by COVID-19. There has been an increase in people who are expending luxury products so that they can show off their economic power. However, luxury brands prices are now increasing. It is becoming difficult to get these products because of the high prices, and limited quantities. Therefore, people are trying to seek products in a different way. This way is by Counterfeit. The products are not the real thing, but if you are not an expert, it can be difficult to know the difference between a counterfeit and a genuine product. Plus, you are able to buy counterfeit products at a much cheaper price. So, is purchasing counterfeit products a wise consumption? The following article looks at the production and selling of counterfeit products, and what effect it has.Appearance and Enlargement of the MarketSo, how did counterfeit products begin to be produced? Previously, there was an article of literature from Goreo and Joseon which read, Beware of fake Cheong-Sim-Hwan. This shows that counterfeit products have existed for a long time. As manufacture-technology has developed over time, the quality levels of counterfeit products are increasing. Also, counterfeit production is inevitable, because fashion brands can duplicate products easier than any other industries. Lately, the conspicuous consumption of premium products is getting higher, so the counterfeit market scales are also getting bigger. Also, as international-trade grows, and expands from offline to online markets, products can now be traded all over the world.Changes that Counterfeit Production and Consumption have Brought AboutThe first change is that the value of brands is decreasing. Counterfeit products can damage the brands value and image, which can then cause economic losses. In the case of luxury products, the more that people purchase counterfeit products, the weaker the symbolic value of that luxury product becomes. Therefore, the luxury industry is making great efforts to increase the value of the brand. Chanel, a premium luxury brand for example, has sharply raised the price of their most popular products and also limited the number of purchases, so that each person can purchase only one product per year.The second change is the disappearance of the perception that purchasing counterfeit products is morally wrong. Recently, more people are reviewing imitation purchases and introducing fake-market xss-location. in detail through their personal SNS, YouTube accounts, and blogs. They feel satisfaction through buying counterfeit products that are almost the same as the originals, and they also feel proud of it. Even sellers tell you, Do not worry about being restricted, and keep shopping. Selling counterfeit products is illegal, but punishment for those counterfeit products is low. If the government tries to catch the counterfeit markets, then the sellers will move their marketplaces online, which will be another big problem, and will also make it harder for them to be caught. As a result of this current situation, customers no longer feel guilty about illegally buying counterfeit products.How to Reduce Consumption on Counterfeit ProductsSo, how can we reduce fake consumption? Experts believe that it will be resolved only when the type of consumption changes, or when the public perception that the purchase of counterfeit products is wrong begins to expand. Therefore, it should become a global trend for consumers not to consume counterfeit products. with an efficient marketing strategy which identifies the characteristics and uniqueness of each consumer. While respecting the choices of pursuing individual uniqueness and preference for imported luxury products, making a society that feels shameful of buying counterfeit products will reduce the consumption of fake products.Everyone has a desire to acquire something that can give them maximum satisfaction. They are learning the fancy side of celebrities and making comparisons between those people and themselves. Therefore, once you buy a luxury brand product, you can show that you are the kind of person who can afford to buy expensive products. However, after that, you might also avoid buying low-priced products, because of the thought that some people might consider you to be a person who makes excessive consumptions, or takes someone elses products. Therefore, counterfeit goods that are similar to the real products, would not easily disappear, because buying counterfeit products is an easy way to get the value of real things. However, a counterfeit product is just an imitation of a masterpiece. No-one will acknowledge the value of those counterfeit goods. People who sell counterfeit products, and also the people who consume those products, are both behaving illegally. We should try not to justify and rationalize those illegalities anymore.
2022-07-04 11:21:55
A Useful Policy
A Useful PolicyBy Kim Myeong-gyu Cub Reporter, Junior of Chemical and Biological EngineeringFrom 2022, it is said that tailored asset subsidies that can support young people will be expanded from 1.7 trillion won to 2 trillion won. As financial support has been expanded, more young people can benefit from it. In particular, more help can be received in each field such as employment, housing, education, and welfare. Among the many policies, I would like to briefly introduce the representative youth policy contents and standards that young people should know.* Education and jobs1. National Tomorrow Learning Card: This is a policy that supports training expenses to develop and train vocational skills that are helpful for workplaces.Qualified targets: It can be issued to all citizens, aged 15 or older,who want to have vocational training. In the past, it was only possible for prospective college graduates, but now, students with less than two years before graduation, and also graduate students, can be subject to this card issuance.Support details: Basic support of 3 million won per person, up to a maximum of 5 million won can be provided. 45 to 85 percent of the tuition fee is provided by the government within the scope of support. Also, if the short-term attendance rate is high during the training period, training incentives will be paid.How to apply: You must register for membership after accessing the Vocational Training Portal (www.hrd.go.kr). Since you have to get a card, you must complete the public certification course. After completing the registration, click on the application for issue and proceed in sequence.2. Youth Challenge Support Project: This is a project that provides customized programs to encourage young people to seek jobs, participate in the job market, and promote employment.Qualified targets: Young people, from 18 to 34, who have not participated in employment and vocational training programs for the past 6 months, can apply.Support details: Customized programs are provided for 2 to 3 months. In addition, an incentive of 200,000 won will be paid to complete all courses. Here, customized programs include psychological counseling, one-to-one mentoring, and resume consulting.How to apply: Worknet Homepage -> Employment Welfare Policy Tab -> Click on the Youth Challenge Support Project, and proceed in order. Or you can enter the Website through scanning the QR code below.* Housing1. Youth Jeonse loans: It is a project to provide loans at low interest rates for young people who lack rent funds.Qualified targets: You must be homeless at the time of applying for a loan. Also, only young people with an annual income of less than 50 million won (aged 19 to 34) are eligible.Support details: The limit is up to 70 million won, up to 80 percent of the deposit, and the loan rate is 1.5 ~ 2.1 percent, The loan period is at least two years and can be extended four times.How to apply: There are two types of applications. These are online and visiting applications. Online applications can be made on the Website of fund E-den Den, or visiting applications can be made at nearby bank branches. Also, various documents are required for application, including identification cards, resident registrations, health insurance, and income certificates. If you forget any of them, you cannot apply, so you must take all of them.2. LH Youth Rental Housing: If selected, Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) will sign a contract with the homeowner, and then rent it back to the selected person at a low price.Qualified targets: Young college students or job seekers, aged from 19 to 39, who are homeless can apply for this.Contents of application: College students can sign a contract with a house of less than 18 pyeong, which can be contracted by monthly rent, regardless of the type of officetel or apartment in the university area. The support limit is up to 120 million won in the metropolitan area, 95 million won in metropolitan cities, and 85 million won in other regions.How to apply: LH Subxss-scription Center (apply.lh.or.k) -> Click the Purchase Lease Jeonse menu -> After that, you can press the subxss-scription application on the website, or press the rental information to check related announcements.These days, young people are in a difficult situation due to the unemployment crisis, poor housing conditions, and financial burdens. The difficulties have recently increased due to the spread of COVID-19. However, in order to reform the lives of young people, these institutional foundations have recently been laid out, and I hope that young people can actively use these policies to get through the current difficult times.
2022-07-04 11:21:06
Spirit of Obeying Laws! Wise Rider Life
Spirit of Obeying Laws!Wise Rider LifeBy Joung In-young Reporter, Sophomore of Electronics Control EngineeringThese days, we are used to the question of What should we order? rather than Where should we go to eat? Due to the social distancing of COVID-19, meals at restaurants withover a specific number of people are banned.In our lives, where it has become more natural to receive and eat food at home through delivery service rather than visit restaurants, Delivery apps are becoming one of the more indispensable things for us.As the delivery market expands, due to COVID-19, the rate of motorcycle delivery-driver accidents is also increasing. This is because illegal activities occur due to the pressure on drivers to make fast and efficient deliveries.-Outlaw on the road.As you walk along the street, you can see delivery motorcycles running at a tremendous speed with loud engines. It is also easy to see motorcycle drivers driving between cars, violating signals, and going their own way.-The price for violating traffic regulations.If you violate traffic laws, accidents may follow. On August 26th, an accident occurred. A motorcycle delivery rider died at Seolleung Station, and this became a hot topic. It was a case where a motorcycle delivery rider who illegally pulled in front of a stopped truck was crushed and killed by the truck, because the truck driver was unable to see the motorcycle.. Shortly thereafter, another traffic accident with a motorcycle delivery rider occurred near the xss-location.of the first accident. In this way, it can be seen that the frequency of accidents has increased. According to a survey by auto insurance company Samsung Fire Insurance , the number of motorcycle accidents for delivery drivers has increased by 23 percent over the past four years (8806 cases in 2016 - 17,793 cases in 2020). One motorcycle delivery rider has had an average of two accidents a year. This is 15 times higher than regular motorcycles.-Motorcycle accident type.Riders safety is faltering as speed is prioritized over rider safety, due to the soaring demands for delivery, as well as worsening weather, and competition among riders who receive money for the number of deliveries they make. According to information reports, there are 3,350 annual crashes involving other vehicles (38.1 percent). There are 2,232 crashes (25.4 percent) as a result of changing lanes; 2,131 (24.2percent) as a result of intersection traffic violations, and 1,078 (12.3percent) involving crosswalks.Accidents can be reduced if proper traffic laws are followed.-Safety rules for motorcycles.-Motorcycle accident prevention 10 commandments.1. Wear protective gear, such as a safety helmet for riding, and knee protectors.2. Make sure to follow the traffic laws when you drive.3. Check weather conditions such as snow and rain, and turn on headlights and drive carefully when delivering at vulnerable times, such as evening rush hour.4. Wheels, brakes, headlights, etc. should be periodically inspected and maintained.5. Do not drive too fast to ensure safe driving.6. Even if the signal has changed, don't rush to go, don't drive through yellow lights, and do not drive on the sidewalk.7. Do not smoke, chat, or use a cellphone while driving.8. Be aware of the topography and road conditions of the area in advance.9. Only licensed people can drive.10. Receive safety training for motorcycle accidents.Critics point out that crackdowns and guidance should be carried out at the same time as improving the delivery culture to prevent accidents, and to raise drivers awareness of safety. Accordingly, the active movement of society for safe and correct delivery of riders is starting. Efforts are being made to raise awareness between riders and delivery users through various contents, such as expanding delivery service areas, two-wheeled vehicle traffic safety campaigns, and producing related promotional content.If we are aware of potential accidents and pay attention to accident prevention, we will be able to xss-create a safer road environment.
2022-01-14 13:48:59
Personal Mobility Life
Personal Mobility LifeBy Bae So-young Cub Reporter, Freshman of English Language and LiteratureWalking down the street, we can notice an increase in parked personal mobility scooters. Nowadays, because the ability to use time is important, the demand for personal mobility is increasing.According to IGAworks, the user rate of personal mobility has doubled, compared to 2019. The reason for the increasing rate is that using PM is much more comfortable than using public transportation, and accessibility to the users is higher. The electric scooter market is especially more vitalized, compared to other PMs, because it can be used with smartphone applications.To use an electric scooter, the user has to recognize the QR code using an app, and the fee is priced per minute. To finish using, the user has to end using the application and park it. When the user takes a picture and uploads it to the application, the next user can use it again. This way can make users comfortable, but it also xss-creates social problems. In this article, I will present three problems, and their solutions.The first problem is, unused electric scooters hinder passage for other people. GPS is attached to an electric scooter, so it can be parked anywhere. So, most users park it at the entrance of an apartment or building. Many complaints are received because of hindering passage. However, in the absence of related regulations, other people have to deal with these difficulties.The second problem is, electric scooters can be dangerous because hidden defects cannot be found. After using the scooter, it is picked up and charged. While picking up a scooter, it should be inspected in detail. However, most of the inspectors are not experts, so their inspection does not have the necessary effectiveness. Hidden defects cannot be found, so when the user gets injured, it will be considered the users fault entirely.The third problem is, an increase of danger to passengers and car drivers. According to the traffic accident analysis system of the Korea Highway Traffic Authority, accidents caused by personal mobility have increased by more than 95 percent annually, and the death toll increased by two times. In spite of the fact that driving a scooter on the sidewalk is prohibited, most of the users do drive it on the sidewalk. Inexperienced scooter drivers on the sidewalk can be a threat to pedestrians. Also there are many videos of unlocking or tuning the speed control device of the electric scooter, and there are many cases where passengers ride at more than 25km/h on the road, because this operation is not difficult. Unlocked electric scooters are called outlaws of the road, and they are the main cause of rising accidents.To prepare for it, as of May 13, 2021, regulations on the safe operation of personalized mobile devices, such as electric kickboards, have been tightened.Revision of the traffic lawsPunishmentsDriver license is essential while driving a scooterA fine up to 200,000 wonDriving a scooter under the age 13 is prohibitedPunishment to parents, and a fine up to 200,000 wonDriving a scooter with more than 1 person is prohibitedA fine up to 200,000 wonWearing a safety helmet, and the operation of light fixtures, is essentialA fine up to 200,000 wonRiding only on bicycle roads (Edge lane can be accepted)Nevertheless, there are still many cases of misusing electric scooters, because the users areunaware of the revised bill. Also, it is practically difficult to punish irresponsible riders. There is also a problem that the bill is less effective, due to the gap between laws and reality. Careful legal regulations are needed on problems arising from the ambiguous identity of scooters as a means of transportation.It is true that legalities take a large part, but the most important thing is taking responsibility for personal mobility, and having compliance with it. If you follow the electric scooter etiquette, this will xss-create a happy transportation culture. Considering these regulations, I am hoping that users will enjoy a well-mannered PM life, putting safety first!
2022-01-14 13:48:21
How to Distinguish Counterfeit Money
How to Distinguish Counterfeit MoneyBy Choi Ha-ram Cub Reporter, Freshman of JapaneseCase 77246 is where one man has been forging and distributing 50,000 copies of a 5,000 won bill which had the serial number, 77246, for 9 years, from 2004. It is a representative example of a counterfeit money criminal incident in the Republic of Korea. The criminal was arrested in 2013, but additional counterfeit money was later discovered.If someone counterfeits money in South Korea, they are punished with imprisonment of over 2 years, or a life sentence. Once in the Yuan Dynasty, there was a law that a person who made counterfeit notes could be punished with the death penalty. Counterfeit money crime is a serious crime that threatens the national economy and devalues money. Forging crimes should not happen, but even if they do, we should be able to distinguish between real money and counterfeit money to minimize the damage. Also, it is necessary to be careful when handling paper money, because counterfeit money may still be circulating somewhere.1. Shine a light on it.If you find suspicious paper money among Korean bills, shine a light on it. With real paper money, you will be able to observe a hidden picture on the left side where there is no painting. The persons gaze in this hidden picture is opposite to the persons gaze drawn on the front of the bill. In the case of a thousand won bill, If you shine a light on the paper money, a hidden series of lines appear on a silver line that is shaped as a dotted line, and in the case of the 50,000 won bill, if you tilt it in various directions, the Taegeuk pattern, drawn in three dimensions, seems to move. However, counterfeit bills will look the same, depending on the light.2. Tilt itTilt the suspicious bills. Real paper money is different in color, and the pictures shown in the holograms are different, depending on the angle. It is said that, depending on the angle of view, the holograms of the 50,000 won, 10,000 won, and 5,000 won bills include both the map of the Korean peninsula, the Taegeuk pattern, and the four trigrams. In addition, since color conversion ink is used, the color of the face values, on the bottom on the back of the bill, changes according to the angle. However, with counterfeit bills, there is no change in theface values color, and the pictures do not appear alternately, even if there are holograms.3. Touch itYou can distinguish between real bills and counterfeit bills through your sense of touch. Real banknotes are printed convexly with letters, numbers, and braille parts, so you can feel the rugged surface when you touch it with your hands. However, counterfeit bills are often not like that.4. Wet itIf there is water nearby, try to slightly wet the paper money. Real paper money is specially treated, so even if water gets on it, the ink of the banknotes does not spread. However, counterfeit bills are affected by water, so the ink often smudges or gets onto your hands.The Bank of Korea says that it is necessary to have a habit of touching with your hands, tilting it, and checking paper money in the light, since paper money counterfeiting crime continues to occur.Scan the QR code below if you want to know more details. ▶You can do this when you are assured that it is a counterfeit bill, after comparing it with the characteristics of the real ones which are proposed above.1. If you think it is counterfeit money when you receive paper money from a customer: Do not return that money to the person who gave it to you. Take as much time as possible and observe the person so you can make an accurate dexss-scription. If they come by car, you can write down their car number.2. If you discover counterfeit money after the customer leaves: Do not try to return it to the customers, but report them in envelopes with caution in handling to avoid erasing any fingerprints.3. If an ordinary citizen finds it: Put it in an envelope and report it to a nearby police station or bank.At the time of the 77246 incident, a citizens careful observation and reporting helped prevent further damage. As that citizen did, you may encounter counterfeit money criminals, too. After you read this article, how would you react?
2022-01-14 13:47:23