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Campus News

Motivation for You : Stepping Stone Scholarship

작성자HANBAT HERALD  조회수4,909 등록일2023-02-20

Motivation for You :

Stepping Stone Scholarship

By Woo Jung-kyu Cub Reporter, Sophomore of Industrial Engineering

Did you get a low grade because of just hanging out with friends after entering university? Are you trying to get higher grades now? Are you trying hard to get higher grades, but still lacking the necessary motivation or desire? If so, then there is a recommended scholarship for students in your situation. It is a ‘Stepping Stone Scholarship,’ which can help increase your motivation through a variety of study programs.

A ‘stepping stone scholarship’ consists of a number of tasks: The notification of an operation plan, the recruitment and conduction of a preliminary survey, your study orientation and ‘middle’ assessment, and giving a presentation about your own learning process or improved grades through achievement. 

Students can apply for the scholarship at the ‘HBNU Center for Teaching Learning.’ You can easily apply by using the QR code below.

Selection is not first come, first served. Instead, it is based on your reasons for application, and on your study plans. When you apply for this, you can either upload a captured screen of your last semester’s average grade, or you can use a report card that is scanned as a transcript. You won’t be able to apply a captured screen by phone or an unrecognizable excel file. As a scholarship beneficiary, you must complete the essential program, and your participation score must be at least 30 points. You need to improve your average grade by more than 0.4 points to be a scholarship beneficiary; the semester’s average grade, compared to the previous semester’s average grade. Also, you have to get a credit score of more than 16 points in this semester. Additionally, the amount of scholarship is related to the improvement of grades, achieving goals, and program participation scores.

Many students do not know about the ‘Stepping Stone Scholarship.’ Students who not only got a grade of less than 3.0 points last semester, but are also lacking in the motivation to study, can apply for it. As a result, you can achieve a great score and a scholarship, which means ‘the best of both worlds.’