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How to Take a Good ID Picture

작성자HANBAT HERALD  조회수4,913 등록일2023-02-20
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How to Take a Good ID Picture

By Choi Ha-ram Reporter, Sophomore of Public Policy

Are you satisfied with the identification pictures you have taken before? In life, there are a lot of situations that require ID pictures. ID pictures are required for various sorts of resumes, the reissue of identification cards, etc. Have you ever experienced being dissatisfied with the ID pictures that you have taken? For example, maybe you made a mistake in choosing clothes, or your face looked more swollen than usual. So, how can you take an ID picture that is guaranteed to make you look good? In this article, I will give you some tips on taking good ID photos.

[How to get a good ID picture]

  1. Hair and Clothes

It is better not to deviate from your usual hairstyle. However, it is important to make sure your hair looks clean and neat. If you have bangs, make sure they do not cover your eyes. It is good to brush your hair neatly, because you need the ID pictures to make you look as good as possible, to give a positive impression.

It is the same with clothes. It is good to make as decent an appearance as you can. Therefore, shirts are generally used a lot as ID picture fashion items. If you do not know what to wear, shirts will be a good choice. When you take a picture with a color background, I recommend you to choose clothes that match with the background color. For example, white bright clothes look best on light pastel-toned backgrounds, and deep-colored clothes, such as black items, look good on high-colored backgrounds such as red and dark blue. If you have not decided on the background color that you want, you should wear your favorite clothes and choose the right background color to suit  them. 

  1. Makeup

Even if you do not usually do makeup, it is good to contour your face with skin makeup and shading. In the case of skin makeup, you should use the foundation or whitening cream that you usually use to control your skin tone. If you put on makeup after adjusting the skin texture with a mask pack to make the base makeup in good condition, the effect will double. At this time, I recommend you use powder to express your skin texture, so that it does not look oily. Shading is good for focusing on the nose and chin, but do not shade excessively. Shading on the nose and chin will give your features a three-dimensional effect and soften the contours of your face.

In addition, in the case of eye makeup, it would be better to use a matt shadow that gives a clean feeling. Also, in the case of eyeliner, it seems clearer to draw the tail according to the tail of the eye, rather than making it excessively long. Remember that texture and neat makeup is very important!

  1. A Cheerful Look

The most important thing about your ID picture is the look. If you take a picture for your resume, it is better to have a smile on your face, because the person who reads your resume can judge your impression from that picture. In addition, a stern look will have a negative effect on your image. So, you should practice natural smiling by looking in the mirror before taking a picture.

Now, I will tell you the actions that you should avoid when taking an ID picture. You will get a great result by avoiding these.

[Let’s Avoid This When We Take ID Pictures]

  1. Avoid Seasonal Clothes and Turtleneck Shirts

It is better to choose clothes that do not show the specific season. Most ID pictures are likely to be used in all seasons, so if your clothes are too thick or thin, you can give a disparate feeling. Therefore, it is best to wear clothes that can be worn in spring and fall. In addition, if you have a short neck, you should avoid turtleneck shirts. If you have a long neck, turtleneck shirts will make your neck look not so long. However, wearing a turtleneck on your short neck can make you look stuffy. 

  1. Avoid Clothes with Fancy Patterns

Avoiding clothes with fancy patterns is good because, if you wear fancy-patterned clothes, it can make the eyes of the person looking at the picture feel tired. Additionally, it is good to avoid too many patterns, since they are difficult to give a neat impression.

  1. Avoid Big-particle Pearl Shadows

In the case of eye makeup, it will be helpful not to use big-particle pearl eye shadows. This is because big particles of pearl eye shadow can be reflected by reflectors or light, and can also cover your eyes. Also, it is good to avoid pearl shadow as much as possible because it may make your eyes look swollen. If you really want to use pearl shadow, I recommend using a small particle pearl shadow, or a base shadow of a bright color.

You should take an ID picture that you can be satisfied with, because that single photo can be used for a variety of situations. So, remember what I said and use my advice when you take your picture. I am sure this article will help you. If you would like to gain more information, you can scan the QR code below. There are some videos that are good for reference. I hope this helps you to take a satisfactory ID picture.