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미래가치를 창출하는 글로컬 산학일체 혁신대학


한밭대 재학생들, 대전현충원에서 지역유산보호 봉사

작성자기획과  조회수213 등록일2021-06-10
한밭대 지역유산보호 봉사활동 사진2.jpg [600.1 KB]

□ 지난 4일, 재학생 및 교직원들이 국립 대전현충원을 찾아 지역유산보호 봉사활동을 펼쳤다.

 ○ 학생처(처장 박정호) 주관으로 실시한 이번 봉사활동에는 총학생회와 학회연합회, 총동아리연합회 3개 학생자치단체 임원 등 재학생 약 30여명과 교직원들이 함께 참여하였다.

 ○ 참여자들은 순국선열의 숭고한 희생정신을 되새기며 태극기 꽂기, 쓰레기 줍기 등의 묘역정비 및 환경보호 활동을 실시하였다.

□ 박정호 학생처장은 “봉사활동을 통해 학생들이 더불어 사는 시민의식을 함양하고 지역사회에 기여하는 인재로 성장하길 바란다”고 말했다. 

□ 한편, 한밭대는 대학 구성원으로 이루어진 봉사단과 동아리 등이 해마다 대전 현충원과 대학 인근 수통골, 복지단체 등을 정기적으로 찾아 환경정화와 봉사를 실천하며 지역사회 공헌 활동을 지속적으로 펼쳐 나가고 있다.

Hanbat National University (President Byung-wook Choi) announced that on the 4th, enrolled students and faculty members visited the National Daejeon Memorial Cemetery and volunteered activities to protect the local heritage.

About 30 students and faculty members participated in this volunteer activity hosted by Hanbat University's Student Affairs Office (Director Jeong-Ho Park), including executives from three student governments: the Student Association, the Association of Academic Society, and the Association of General Clubs.0'

The participants carried out cemetery maintenance and environmental conservation activities, such as placing the national flag and picking up garbage and remembering the great sacrifice of the martyrs.

Mr. Jung-ho Park, Director of Student Affairs, said, “I hope that through those volunteer activities, students will develop civic consciousness and grow into talented people who contribute to the local community.”

Meanwhile, Hanbat University's volunteer groups and clubs members regularly visit Daejeon Memorial Cemetery, Sutongol, and welfare groups near the university to carry out environmental clean-up activities  and volunteer work, and continue to carry out community involvement activities.

Hanbat National University (President Byung-wook Choi) announced that on the 4th, current students and faculty members visited the National Daejeon Memorial Cemetery and volunteered activities to protect the local heritage.

About 30 students and faculty members participated in this volunteer activity hosted by Hanbat University's Student Affairs Office (Director Jeong-Ho Park), including executives from three student governments: the Student Association, the Association of Academic Society, and the Association of General Clubs.0'

The participants carried out cemetery maintenance and environmental conservation activities, such as placing the national flag and picking up garbage and remembering the great sacrifice of the martyrs.
Mr. Jung-ho Park, Director of Student Affairs, said, “I hope that through those volunteer activities, students will develop civic consciousness and grow into talented people who contribute to the local community.”

Meanwhile, Hanbat University's volunteer groups and clubs members regularly visit Daejeon Memorial Cemetery, Sutongol, and welfare groups near the university to carry out environmental clean-up activities  and volunteer work, and continue to carry out community involvement activities.

The participants carried out cemetery maintenance and environmental conservation activities, such as placing the national flag and picking up garbage and remembering the great sacrifice of the martyrs.

Mr. Jung-ho Park, Director of Student Affairs, said, “I hope that through those volunteer activities, students will develop civic consciousness and grow into talented people who contribute to the local community.”

Meanwhile, Hanbat University's volunteer groups and clubs members regularly visit Daejeon Memorial Cemetery, Sutongol, and welfare groups near the university to carry out environmental clean-up activities  and volunteer work, and continue to carry out community involvement activities.